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Car Key Replacement Kanata

Locksmith Kanata offers a quick and convenient mobile car key replacement service. With our locksmith services, you don’t have to replace your whole ignition lock or vehicle door locks. Our expert locksmiths are able to make a replacement keys for you from the comfort of your home or business.

car key replacement

Looking for a car key replacement? At Locksmith Kanata, we provide car key replacement services at your location. Our team of experienced professionals is ready to help you with any automotive needs. Our automotive locksmith service in Kanata specialize in key and fob replacement for most of the brands. Our locksmiths will come to you and replace your keys so you don’t need to worry about getting a tow or dealing with the hassle of leaving your vehicle at a shop.

Type Of Car Keys

Laser Cut Car Keys

A laser-cut car key is a high-security key for your vehicle that provides more security than the old bladed keys. They’re also harder to cut, and generally need to be programmed to the vehicle by a locksmith.

Transponder Car Key

A transponder or chip key works by sending a signal to the car’s computer via a transmitter. This will ensure that you will be able to start your vehicle. Most cars manufactured in the past 20 years have transponder keys as part of their anti-theft security measures.

Remote Key

Car key remote controls are a battery powered and have got a press button on the car key fob. They will turn off the car’s alarm and they are easy to use. (Need to match the original key remote with your car’s year and model before ordering.)


FOBIK keyless car key, also termed remote-keyless access (RKE), are very popular with drivers who are looking for an easy means of locking their vehicles without the need for keys.

Keyless Car Keys

Keyless keys (smart keys) can open and unlock your vehicle trunk. Users press a button to unlock or start their car. Upon parking the car it generates an automatic ignition by pressing a button or an electronic sensor.

Switchblade/ Flip Style Remotes

It will replace your traditional key. The concept is simple, you press the button on the fob to open a notch which locks into your current key placement. To close, you fold the blade against the fob and it auto locks in place.

Mechanically Cut Car Key

This mechanically cut car key don’t have chip. It will work for old American cars and some American cars after the year 2000 without any additional wiring or programming of a digital chip.

Valet Key

Valet keys usually unlock the driver’s side door and start the car, but can’t unlock the trunk or the glove box. This key is normally used when someone else operates your vehicle, such as a valet parking attendant.

We Do Car Key Replacements For All Major Brands

24\7 Car Keys & Fobs Duplicate At Your Location

Locksmith Kanata offers 24/7 car key replacement services. We offer a convenient mobile service that enables our technicians to come to your location and make a replacement. We have experience with many makes and models of cars, so we can usually have your keys replace in no time at all.

Call Our Prompt Car Key Replacement Kanata Service

If you have to replace the keys of the vehicle Contact our team! Our expert locksmiths are well equipped and capable in cutting any type of key. We maintain a good knowledge of the most complex key system for every vehicle and can replace the most complex keys.